The Society’s fields of interest include:
the history of the major subject areas of linguistics and and the more specialist topics, such as writing systems, literacy, rhetoric, and the application of linguistic ideas within professional and technical fields (e.g. medicine).
the history of language learning and teaching.
The Society promotes these aims by:
publishing articles and reviews in our journal, Language & History, with two issues each year (in May and November). All articles are peer reviewed, and we welcome suggestions of books to review/offers to review suitable titles.
arranging at least one meeting every year.
keeping members in touch with one another through our JISCMAIL mailing list and through our website. Contact a member of the Executive Committee if you would like a news item posted – members of the list can also post directly to it.
promoting research through the exchange of information about members’ research interests and facilitating contacts among interested scholars pursuing enquiries into particular branches of the subject.
maintaining a collection of books and articles relevant to the subject. The collection is based on books, pamphlets, journals, and offprints donated by members and various publishers, whose gifts are greatly appreciated. The collection also includes many books from the library of the late Professor R. H. Robins. All items received are listed in each issue of the Bulletin. The Library has moved from Keble College, Oxford, to the University of York.